Fee Schedule of Dijets Ternary Chains
In order to prevent the network being spammed, transactions on Dijets require the payment of a a minimal transaction fee. The fee is paid in DJT. There are no miners in Dijets so the ransaction fee is instead burned (destroyed forever by sending the amount to a blackhole address). This burning of the transaction fees avoids the common pitfalls of Gas Wars & front running essentially turning Dijets into a deflationary cryptocurrency.
When you issue a transaction through Dijets's API, the transaction fee is automatically deducted from one of the addresses you control.
Ternary Chains Fee Schedule#
Different types of transactions require payment of a different transaction fee. This table shows the transaction fee schedule:
Blockchain | Transaction Type | Fees |
Method Chain | Create a Subnetwork | 1 DJT |
Method Chain | Create a Blockchain | 1 DJT |
Method Chain | Add a Validator | 0 DJT |
Method Chain | Add a Delegator | 0 DJT |
Method Chain | Importing DJT | 0.001 DJT |
Method Chain | Exporting DJT | 0.001 DJT |
Value Chain | Transfer/Send | 0.001 DJT |
Value Chain | Create a Smart Asset | 0.01 DJT |
Value Chain | Mint an Asset | 0.001 DJT |
Value Chain | Importing DJT | 0.001 DJT |
Value Chain | Exporting DJT | 0.001 DJT |
Utility Chain | Transfer/Send | >= 0.001485* |
*Dijets Utility Chain is an EVM instance with variable gas fees. See below for more details.
Dijets Utility Chain Fees#
Dijets Utility Chain uses an algorithm to determine the "base fee" for a transaction. The base fee increases when network utilisation levels are above the threshold and decreases when network utilisation levels are below the threshold.
Dynamic Fee Transactions#
Transaction fees for non-atomic transactions are based on Ethereum's EIP-1559 style Dynamic Fee Transactions, which consists of a gasFeeCap and gasTipCap
The fee cap specifies the maximum price the transaction is willing to pay per
unit of gas. The tip cap specifies the maximum
amount above the base fee that the transaction is willing to pay per unit of
gas. Therefore, the effective gas price paid by a transaction will be
min(gasFeeCap, baseFee + gasTipCap)
The Gas Tip Cap is also known as the Priority Fee.
Unlike in Ethereum, where the priority fee is paid to the miner that produces the block (resulting in Gas wars and front running), in Dijets both the base fees and the priority fees are burned forever. For legacy transactions, which only specify a single gas price, the gas price serves as both the gas fee cap and the gas tip cap.
Users can make a simple API call to eth_baseFee
method to estimate the base fee for upcoming block before submitting a transaction.
During or before constructing or executing your transaction, if more blocks are produced then the base fee could be different from the base fee estimated by the API call. It is thus important to treat this value just as an estimate.
Use the eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas API call to estimate the priority fee needed to be included in the next block. This API call looks at the most recent blocks to determine what tips have been paid by recent transactions for them to be included in the block.
Transactions are ordered by the priority fee, then the timestamp (oldest first).
Based off of this information, you can specify the gasFeeCap and gasTipCap to your liking based on how you prioritize getting your transaction included as quickly as possible vs. minimizing the price paid per unit of gas.
Base Fee
The base fee can go as low as 25 nDJT (Gwei) and has no upper bound. You can
use the eth_baseFee
API methods, or Dijets Utility Chain explorer for Gas
Tracker, to estimate the gas price to use in
your transactions.
Atomic Transaction Fees#
What is an Atomic Transaction
An Atomic Transaction in Dijets is a type of transaction used to move funds between Dijets Ternary Chain Ledgers. There are two primary types of Atomic Transactions - ImportTx and ExportTx.
Utility Chain's atomic transactions (that is imports and exports from/to other chains) charge dynamic fees based on the amount of gas used by the transaction and the base fee of the block that includes the atomic transaction.
Gas Used:
Utility Chain Item | Gas |
Unsigned Tx Byte | 1 |
Signature | 1000 |
Per Atomic Tx | 10000 |
We can derive from the above table that the gas used by an atomic transaction in Dijets is 1 * len(unsignedTxBytes) + 1,000 * numSignatures + 10,000
The TX fee additionally takes the base fee into account. Due to the fact that
atomic transactions use units denominated in 9 decimal places, the base fee must
be converted to 9 decimal places before calculating the actual fee paid by the
transaction. Therefore, the actual fee is: gasUsed * baseFee (converted to 9 decimals)
- Learn how to Adjust Gas Prices during high network activity Adjusting Gas Prices.
- Learn how to send a transaction with Dynamic Fees using DijetsJS DijetsJS