
Build an ECC

Dijets makes it simple to create ECCs that can instantaneously confirm transactions and process thousands of transactions per second, vastly outperforming Ethereum and many other decentralized blockchain platforms.

Build Your First ECC

The first step of building your ECC is to familiarise yourself with Dijets-CLI.

Dijets-CLI is a command line tool that gives developers access to all of ECC's composability, deployment, configuration and customisability.

Once installed, the Dijets-CLI binary makes the whole process of building & deploying ECCs on Dijets network a simple matter of issuing a few commands. This powerful CLI tool specializes in helping developers develop, simulate, stress test, build and deploy ECCs with various different default configurations or help completely tailor-made VMs.

This tutorial will walk you through the process of using Dijets-CLI for the first time by creating an ECC, deploying it to the local test network, and finally connecting your newly created network to Metamask.

You can add Dijets-CLI to your path by running:

export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

To add it to your path permanently, add the above export command to your shell initialisation script (ex: .bashrc or .zshrc).

Create Your ECC Configuration#

There are a number of pre-built VMs that an organisation can choose from or build an entirely bespoke VM with custom confirguration. For this tutorial we will be building an ECC based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Much like Dijets Utility Chain, since this ECC implements EVM, it supports Solidity smart contracts as well as most other Ethereum client functionality out of the box.

Notable features of the ECC#

  1. Supports most of Ethereum's default API namespaces like eth personal txpool debug etc.
  2. Fully compatible with almost all of Ethereum tooling, including Remix, Metamask and Truffle.
  3. Configurable Gas fees and limits.
  4. Supports Airdrop functionality (Airdrops can be used to assign an amount of the ECCs native token exclusively to whitelisted members of the organisation).
  5. Tokenomics with custom fee tokens.
  6. Multiple stateful pre-compiles. Learn more about the Pre-Compiles
  7. Fully confirgurable Genesis.

To start building your ECC, we need to submit our very first command to Dijets-CLI

The CLI tool then starts collecting all the information required to create a definitive configuration of our ECC. This configuration or the blueprint of your ECC will form the basis to how your blockchain behaves.

There are a number of tools contained within Dijets-CLI for developing and deploying ECCs. Each one adding more depth and refinement to your configuration. The ECC-Doctor tool for example simplifies the builds by walking you through each step of the process of creating your ECC.

Let's get started by first picking the name for our ECC. This tutorial uses Mimo as the name of the ECC, but feel free to substitute that with any name you like. Once you've decided on the name of your ECC and network, run

dijets ecc create mimo

This command invokes Dijets-CLI CLI to start gathering all the information it needs to build the configuration for your ECC.

The CLI tool starts with asking you a series of questions. The following section walks you through each of those questions.

Choose Your VM#

Select ECC-EVM.

Enter Your ECC's ChainID#

Choose a positive integer for your EVM-style ChainID.

In production environments, this ChainID needs to be unique and not shared with any other chain. Because this is a development ECC, feel free to pick any number. Do not pick ChainIDs such as 1 (Ethereum) or 98200 (Dijets Utility Chain) as those may cause issues with other tools.

Token Symbol#

Enter a string to name your ECC's native token. The token symbol doesn't necessarily need to be unique. Example token symbols are DJT, ROG, DCY MST etc

ECC-EVM Version#

Select Use latest version.

Gas Fee Configuration#

This question determines how to set gas fees on your ECC.

Select Low disk use / Low Throughput 1.5 mil gas/s (This is the same setting Dijets Utility Chain uses).


For the purpose of simplicity in this tutorial, we will:

Select Airdrop 1 million tokens to the default address (do not use in production).

When building an ECC for production or for more indepth testing, select Customize your airdrop to distribute the native tokens to other addresses.


Precompiles help customise the behavior of your ECC. They're strictly an advanced feature, so we can safely select No for now.

Wrapping Up#

If all worked successfully, the command prints Successfully created ECC configuration.

By successfully creating your ECC's configuration. You've finished the building process and can now go ahead and deploy it to start interacting with your new blockchain.