
Cryptographic Primitives

Dijets uses a variety of cryptographic primitives for its different functions. This file summarizes the type and kind of cryptography used at the network and blockchain layers.

Cryptography in the Network Layer#

Dijets uses Transport Layer Security, TLS, to protect node-to-node communications from eavesdroppers. TLS combines the practicality of public-key cryptography with the efficiency of symmetric-key cryptography. This has resulted in TLS becoming the standard for internet communication. Whereas most classical consensus protocols employ public-key cryptography to prove receipt of messages to third parties, the novel HotStuff consensus family does not require such proofs. This enables Dijets to employ TLS in authenticating stakers and eliminates the need for costly public-key cryptography for signing network messages.

TLS Certificates#

Dijets does not rely on any centralized third-parties, and in particular, it does not use certificates issued by third-party authenticators. All certificates used within the network layer to identify endpoints are self-signed, thus creating a self-sovereign identity layer. No third parties are ever involved.

TLS Addresses#

To avoid posting the full TLS certificate to the Platform chain, the certificate is first hashed. For consistency, Dijets employs the same hashing mechanism for the TLS certificates as is used in Bitcoin. Namely, the DER representation of the certificate is hashed with sha256, and the result is then hashed with ripemd160 to yield a 20-byte identifier for stakers.

This 20-byte identifier is represented by "DijetsNode-" followed by the data’s CB58 encoded string.

Cryptography in Dijets Virtual Machine#

The Dijets virtual machine uses elliptic curve cryptography, specifically secp256k1, for its signatures on the blockchain.

This 32-byte identifier is represented by "PrivateKey-" followed by the data’s CB58 encoded string.

Secp256k1 Addresses#

Dijets is not prescriptive about addressing schemes, choosing to instead leave addressing up to each blockchain.

The addressing scheme of the Value Chain and the Method Chain relies on secp256k1. Dijets follows a similar approach as Bitcoin and hashes the ECDSA public key. The 33-byte compressed representation of the public key is hashed with sha256 once. The result is then hashed with ripemd160 to yield a 20-byte address.

Dijets uses the convention chainID-address to specify which chain an address exists on. chainID may be replaced with an alias of the chain. When transmitting information through external applications, the CB58 convention is required.


Addresses on the Value Chain and Method Chain use the Bech32 standard outlined in BIP 0173. There are four parts to a Bech32 address scheme. In order of appearance:

  • A human-readable part (HRP). On Mainnet this is dijets.
  • The number 1, which separates the HRP from the address and error correction code.
  • A base-32 encoded string representing the 20 byte address.
  • A 6-character base-32 encoded error correction code.

The following regular expression matches addresses on the Value Chain, Method Chain and Utility Chain for Mainnet, Testnet and localhost. Note that all valid Dijets addresses will match this regular expression.


Secp256k1 Recoverable Signatures#

Recoverable signatures are stored as the 65-byte [R || S || V] where V is 0 or 1 to allow quick public key recoverability. S must be in the lower half of the possible range to prevent signature malleability. Before signing a message, the message is hashed using sha256.

Signed Messages#

A standard for interoperable generic signed messages based on the Bitcoin Script format and Ethereum format.

sign(sha256(length(prefix) + prefix + length(message) + message))

The prefix is simply the string \x1ADijets Signed Message:\n, where 0x1A is the length of the prefix text and length(message) is an integer of the message size.


As an example we will sign the message "Pen xen ole fren"

// prefix size: 26 bytes
// prefix: Dijets Signed Message:\n
0x44 0x69 0x6a 0x65 0x74 0x73 0x20 0x53 0x69 0x67 0x6e 0x65 0x64 0x20 0x4d 0x65 0x73 0x73 0x61 0x67 0x65 0x3a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a 0x0a
// msg size: 16 bytes
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10
// msg: Pen xen ole fren
50 65 6e 20 78 65 6e 20 6f 6c 65 20 66 72 65 6e

After hashing with sha256 and signing the pre-image we return the value cb58 encoded: q8LMFYywox2jtMhS7fusHKYoezYMhf1pZPe7fsUERkFYZyzAvADCfA5d4nd2i8WWyRiXxWjDyiXwZsx6zp3B47NUDvx5mD. Here's an example using the Dijets Wallet.

Sign message

Cryptography in Ethereum Virtual Machine#

Dijets nodes support the full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and precisely duplicates all of the cryptographic constructs used in Ethereum. This includes the Keccak hash function and the other mechanisms used for cryptographic security in the EVM.