
Deploy an ECC

In the previous tutorial we learnt how to build our ECC. We completed the tutorial with a confirmation from Dijets-CLI tool that the configuration file for our newly built ECC was successfully generated.

We can now use the same configuration file and deploy our ECC running on a local dijets test network.

The details we specified in the previous tutorial for building the ECC Blockchain network were as follows:

  • ECC Name: Mimo
  • Token Symbol: IMO
  • Chain ID: 2222
  • Gas Limit: 8000000

To deploy our ECC on a local Dijets Test Network run:

dijets ecc deploy mimo

Make sure to substitute the name of your ECC if you used a different one than mimo.

Next, select Local Network.

This command boots a five node Dijets network on your machine. It needs to download the latest versions of DijetsNodeGo and ECC-EVM. The command may take a couple minutes to run.

As shown in the video above, the command output should look something like as follows:

> dijets ecc deploy mimo
✔ Local Network
Deploying [mimo] to Local Network
Installing ecc-evm-v0.4.3...
ecc-evm-v0.4.3 installation successful
Backend controller started, pid: 36257, output at: /Users/saleemfareed/.dijets-cli/runs/server_20230217_042308/dijets-cli-backend
Installing dijetsnodego-v1.9.0...
dijetsnodego-v1.9.0 installation successful
VMs ready.
Starting network...
..........Virtual Machines ready ✔ -- ECC Zone assigned ✔ -- Blockchain Network is live ✔
Network ready to use. Local network node endpoints:
| NODE | VM | URL |
| node2 | mimo | |
| node3 | mimo | |
| node4 | mimo | |
| node5 | mimo | |
| node1 | mimo | |
Browser Extension connection details (any of the URLs generated above should work):
Funded address: 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with 1000000 (10^18) - private key: 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027
Network name: mimo
Chain ID: 2222
Currency Symbol: IMO

You can use the deployment details to connect to and interact with your ECC. Now that the ECC has been deployed on a local test network, we can start interacting with it.

Interacting with Your ECC#

You can use the value provided by Browser Extension connection details to connect to your ECC with MetaMask, Decypher or any other wallet.

Browser Extension connection details (any of the URLs generated above should work):
Funded address: 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with 1000000 (10^18) - private key: 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027
Network name: mimo
Chain ID: 2222
Currency Symbol: IMO

Using Metamask to connect to your ECC#

Now that you have learnt how to deploy your ECC using ECCVM Cli tool. You can connect Metamask to an ECC as shown below.

For this example we will use the following details:

Network Name: ECCnet
Chain ID: 12345678
Currency Symbol: ECCN

First, you need to import your airdrop private key into MetaMask. Do this by clicking the profile bubble in the top right corner and select Import account.

Import MetaMask Account

Import the well-known private key 0x56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027.

Import Account Private Key

Its good practise to change your account name at this time to avoid any confusion. Switch to the new account and click the three dot menu in the top right corner. Select Account details. Click the edit icon next to the account's name. And rename the account Test Account ECC or something that you can easily differentiate with your other wallet names.

Rename Account

Click the checkmark to confirm the change.

Connect to your ECC#

Next, you need to add your ECC to MetaMask's networks.

Click the profile bubble in the top right corner and select Settings. Next, click Networks. Finally, click Add network.

MetaMask Add Network

At the bottom of the next page, select Add a network manually. Enter your ECC's details, found in the output of your dijets ecc deploy command, into the form and click Save.

Add ECC Network Details

If all worked as expected, your balance should read 100,000 tokens. Your ECC is ready for action.

ECC in MetaMask

Next Steps#

Congrats! You just deployed your first ECC. Where you take your ECC, which rule-sets you integrate into it further and which smart contracts you opt to deploy on your ECC are just some of the many options at your disposal now.