
Dijets Platform & Protocol

To manage an entirely new class of digital assets and data, something with a potential to change millenia old monetary systems, and usher in a new era of decentralised finance there needs to exist technology infrastructure that could unlock and enable the open, instant, and low-cost movement of money and digital assets. Dijets Platform was built to facilitate an intricately derived and interconnected system of subnetworks and ECCs. We envision these clusters sharing operations and functionalities in specifically distint ways such that even the seemingly separate verticals can have plug and play tokenized interoperations in common via the default Dijets Primary Network. An internet of finance will result in this kind of clustering of subnetwork and ECC interrelations around financial and tokenisation services. Recent updates to DijetsNodeGo enables Cross-Network messaging and atomic transactions between ECCs which leads to all kinds of architectural probabilities for Dijets in the near future.

Dijets Consensus#

Consensus is the task of getting a group of computers to come to an agreement on a decision. Computers can reach a consensus by following a set of steps called a consensus protocol.

Dijets implements a leaderless Byzantine fault tolerant protocol, built around a metastable mechanism. The protocol builds upon and refines the sub-sampling method introduced by the gossip protocols and integrates advanced techniques such as adaptive sampling, robust sub-sampling, and enhanced validation mechanisms, culminating in a consensus algorithm that promises superior reliability, scalability, and effectiveness via a smart combination of gossip protocols with recurrent & refined subsampling techniques. This allows Dijets to perform exceptionally well in adversarial conditions and maintain its resiliency to "51% attacks."

It does not require accurate knowledge of all participants and exposes new possible tradeoffs and improvements in safety and liveness for building consensus among the participating public nodes.

Metastability & Refined Sub-Sampling#

At its core Dijets Consensus operates by repeatedly sampling the network randomly & dynamically by combining cross-validation methods &robust statistical measures to select a broader subset of opinions for its consensus. The consensus is also fine-tuned to perform at random intervals a comparative analysis of the consensus results obtained from different sub-samples to identify potential biases or inconsistencies.

Dijets’s metastability is designed to steer correct nodes towards a common outcome with a guaranteed sub-second finality. It does so by moving a large network to an irreversible state quickly, where the irreversibility implies that a sufficiently large portion of the network has accepted a proposal and a conflicting proposal will not be accepted with any higher than negligible (ε) probability.


Unlike other blockchains that rely on proof-of-work, Dijets is quiescent and green. And unlike traditional consensus protocols where one or more nodes typically processes linear bits in the number of total nodes per decision, with Dijets no node processes more than logarithmic bits. Dijets combines the best of Classic, Nakamoto & Gossip protocols, Dijets is able to achieve:

Sub-second Finality:It takes less than a second for Dijets to achieve finality across the globe.
Higher throughput:5500–8,000 transactions per second.
Byzantine Tolerance:Dijets can tolerate 50% Byzantine Nodes with no impact on its safety.
Robustness:The network does not need to agree on who the participants are to achieve undeniable consensus.
Quiescence:Dijets is green & sustainable. It wastes no energy, and there are no miners with network privileges.
Scalability:Scaling (linear or logarithmic) is much less drastic then traditional protocols with quadratic scaling.
Sybil Deterrence:Dijets prevents sybil attacks through staking of DJT coins proving ownership & vested interest in the system

Dijets protocol gives rise to an egalitarian ecosystem, i.e., all nodes in the network are born the same & its decentralised approach determines that the opinions of all network participants remain equal.